Do Boys & Girls Learn Differently? Let’s Find Out!
posted on Feb 27, 2023

There are several prevailing myths about how boys and girls learn differently. Well, if we keep the myths aside, the fact is that boys and girls do learn differently. In fact, some studies indicate that the brains of boys and girls are not the same. Moreover, it has been found that a girl’s brain matures almost ten years earlier than a boy’s. Keeping this in mind, we at Gurukul The School, one of the top CBSE schools in Ghaziabad, thought it would be rather good to understand the different learning styles of boys and girls so that a suitable work environment can be created for both genders. Having said that, we firmly believe that having known the learning style of your child, even you, as their parents, will be in a better position to make the necessary adjustments at home to accommodate their distinctive learning needs. So today, in this article below, let’s now learn more about how boys and girls learn differently.
As far as boys are concerned, they are found to be more deductive when it comes to processing information. Moreover, they perform well in abstract multiple-choice tests.
On the other hand, girls tend to be more inductive while processing information. More so, they have a knack for expressing their thoughts through writing.
Boys do not stay interested for long unless there is some stimulation. Conversely, girls can maintain their focus for a longer duration than boys.
During learning lessons, whereas boys need to take frequent breaks to stretch and move around, girls can sit longer.
Both boys and girls like to learn via images and pictures. Even so, boys prefer visuals to get a better grasp of subjects and concepts.
Where group settings are concerned, boys can get both aggressive and competitive while girls learn more easily. Moreover, girls show sensitivity to the emotions of others while solving a problem, and boys get busy finding solutions to the problem at hand.
Boys and girls do not hear similarly. If you speak in a loud tone, girls construe it as yelling. Additionally, because of their well-tuned aural structure, girls are sensitive to sounds and hear at higher frequencies as compared to boys. Hence, you must watch the tone of your voice when communicating with girls, while you should sound excited when teaching boys.
Boys, with their autonomic nervous system, are more alert when they stand or move and at room temperature. Moreover, high-stress levels in boys boost blood flow to their brains and help them to focus better.
As far as girls go, they can focus better in warmer temperatures. Besides, they respond differently to stress than boys. During threat or confrontation situations, the gushing of blood to their guts leaves them nervous and excited.
Boys and girls also perceive the world differently. More so, their eyes are not organized in the same way. Boys are more attuned to vision and direction because of the unique composition of their eyes. Also, boys are more attracted to cooler colors such as grey, brown, blue, and black. Thus, you will find boys are always creating images of moving objects such as cars, trucks, and spaceships in dark colors. Therefore, educators who teach boys should move around the room continuously and become that moving object.
Contrariwise, girls love dabbling with colors and textures. And they prefer warmer colors like orange, yellow, and red. Additionally, they like visuals having clear details, including faces. Teachers can engage girls by not moving much. It has also been seen that girls fare well when they are facing each other in circles. And the best way to get their attention is by using descriptive phrases and many colors during presentations.
So, we have seen how boys and girls learn differently. We at Gurukul The School, one of the top CBSE schools in Ghaziabad, hope the write-up will now help you address the different learning styles of your boy or girl child for maximizing learning and drawing better learning outcomes. We believe that being aware of such differences is vital for the parents as well as educators to support the children in their learning endeavors aptly.